Sunday, April 7, 2013

Women’s Day

Today, April 7th is Dia de Mulher in Mozambique or Women’s Day. I’m not quite sure how they celebrate this National Holiday besides getting school off on Monday. I saw lots of capulanas just for women’s day so I’m sure all the women in Nacucha will be wearing those today in the market and at mass. I’m not celebrating too much…one of my friends, Anna, gave me the idea of making capulana flowers to give to the women at school—since I’ve had some free time I decided to make some and give them to the nuns today. It’s pretty cool that Mozambique has a day to celebrate all women!

This weekend my roommate left to go on a trip and then two Peace Corps conferences and will be gone 10 days. It’s only day 2 and I’m already feeling lonely. I’m really glad I have a roommate at site—I don’t know how I’d do it if I was by myself…guess I’d make some Mozambican friends very fast. I’m hoping I don’t see any big spiders or scorpions because we normally attack those together with the bug spray…not quite sure how that would work with just one person.  We’ll see how it goes :) At least in 8 days I get to go to Nampula for my own Peace Corps conference and see all the other North Moz 19 PCVs! I’m really excited to get out of site and see my other 19ers that I haven’t seen since December. I better talk to my supervisor about missing class…I talked to her a month ago but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t remember.

Next week we are starting a new schedule for the trimester (no week long break like I thought though)…I’m excited for the new schedule because I’m supposedly not teaching computers anymore. When I got my schedule last week can you guess what I was teaching? The same amount of computer classes and two less English classes! Oh Nacucha. The schedule is supposed to change again since Peace Corps talked to my supervisor. We’ll see if that happens on Tuesday when classes start.

Nothing else too exciting or new going on…I need to organize all the tests and evaluation sheets the students use into a binder for my 11th grade classes. In Nacucha after every module is completed they have someone at the school verify the grades and work and also someone outside of the school to verify it. I’m sure my binders will be missing some important documentation and/or probably won’t be done right...guess I’ll find out Monday.

Trying to keep myself busy by lesson planning, reading and watching tv shows while my roommate is gone. I spent an hour Friday night talking to some of my students in English. They are great and they really want to learn English! They got a good laugh at me because it started to get dark and since my porch light was on all the bugs started swarming and the lizards starting eating them. I really don’t like bugs and they know that. Of course then they start to tell me that those bugs flying are actually very tasty and they eat them. I tried not to look too grossed out because that probably would have been culturally inappropriate. One student even told me he was going to prepare the dish one day and bring it over for me to eat. I’m really hoping he doesn’t follow through with that! I do really enjoying speaking English with them and learning about their lives. They are really great students and are very respectful.

Off to go do some laundry before mass, not quite sure exactly what time mass starts…knowing my luck I’ll probably miss it like last week. Then I better lesson plan for the new classes. 255 days until I’m home for Christmas!!!!! :)

P.S. If you have any ideas on how to keep busy and not get lonely let me know :)

1 comment:

  1. Mags, although I cannot relate to being lonely in Mozambique, I can relate to being lonely while I am on the road. I have been reading, journaling, and crafting as well. Maybe you can learn to crochet or knit? I bet some of the women could help you!

    Also, I would be very interested to learn how to cook different types of food that you are eating...maybe you can start compiling a cookbook or at least a list of recipes that we can tackle together one day.

    Keep your chins up and remember to take advantage of every opportunity. Keep yourself busy and distracted, and you won't miss home as much. My biggest piece of advice to you is to not consume yourself with wanting to come home (especially since it is so far away!) because I guarantee you will miss it once you leave. Don't have any regrets!

    I love you so much, and cannot wait to try skyping again soon!

