Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pictures of my PCV life

I finally got my camera cord and am uploading a few pictures from the past few months. School has been interesting this past week and a half. I've been teaching a lot and trying to learn about computer theory (since that's what my informatica basico class is all about). It's been a hard few weeks but thankfully, by some miracle, I got lots of packages from my family and friends back home today! It truly means the world to me to receive any letter or package from my loved ones back home. I feel so loved when I receive my mail-I hope you know how much I appreciate the thoughtfulness you all put in to sending the packages! They came at a perfect time and are helping me stay sane this weekend. My motto of the week: "Just keep swimming....just keep swimming" yes it is from Finding Nemo but the message is really helping me this week. I just have to take it one day at a time and I can do it. 
Just. Keep. Going. 
I promise to keep the pictures coming! 

Anna and I at the waterfalls in Namaacha

Outside my homestay 

"Pilaring" peanuts to make dinner with my host family

Welmer (Anna's host brother) and I...he's such a cutie

Some of our students from Model School during training. The two girls on either side are my host sisters!

My host family and I at the home stay celebration the last week of training. 

Anna, Hannah and I rocking our capulanas :) 

Jamie and I at the home stay celebration-language group buddies! 

My host brother and sister, Jamito and Deolinda

My school that I teach it...yes it is basically a farming school. 

Our house--it's pretty big inside and we have a nice backyard with a garden!

My favorite neighborhood "criança" Anu-she so reminds me of my niece back home! 

Victor and I and someone's host brother at the end of training celebration! 

All the kids love coloring-thanks for sending some new coloring books and crayons! :) 

All of the Moz 19 volunteers after our swearing-in at the Ambassador's house in Maputo. 

Crazy "Crianças"

Christmas in Angoche with my fellow Moz 19ers in Nampula


  1. loved seeing them all Maggie! miss you!

  2. So proud of you. You inspire me! I don't think I have your current address. Need to send you a grilled cheese sandwich :o) Love you, Cat
