Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Waiting...somewhat patiently

One year ago I officially applied to the Peace Corps in hopes that I would be nominated and be able to teach overseas. After hearing that I was and then starting the medical process I was jumping for joy! Then I had to wait one month, two, three and so on to hear where I would be placed. As the days get closer to when I will hear where my placement is, I am getting more and more excited. 

I know the Peace Corps is all about waiting patiently, filling out paperwork and answering questionaries and with that in mind I try to stay sane with this long process. However, waiting is hard but leaving is even harder. I know that when it comes time to leave I will be sad to say goodbye to family and friends but oh so ready to start on this journey in my life. I'm crossing my fingers that I will get my placement letter by the end of this month and will be sure to let everyone know the minute it comes in the mail. I may not know the language of my country, what clothes I will need, heck even the name of the country of where I will be going...but I do know I am ready to go and make a difference. 

P.S. Since I'm trying to practice Portuguese (hopefully the language in the country I'll be placed) and finding lots of phrases online I decided to title my blog até mais which means till next time. Next time I post I will have my placement letter in hand! 


  1. Maggie this is awesome! I love the idea of keeping in touch with you when you are gone. I am so proud of you sis! Also, how I hope you will keep this blog updated with other Portuguese phrases so we can learn along with you!

  2. Thanks Katie! That's a good idea about the Portuguese phrases-I'll keep posting them! :)

  3. I'll be reading! :) I'm excited for you.
