Friday, June 29, 2012

Your mission...should you choose to accept it

For me there was no question about not taking this might be scary or hard but I know that it'll be one of the greatest experiences of my life and can't wait for it to begin. Okay that was a bit of a dramatic title but I couldn't help thinking of Mission Impossible movies when I got this letter. My invitation packet finally got to me this morning and I was beyond excited! A bit nervous with all the changes going on right now but anxious to start this adventure and learn about where I'm going.

The first thing I saw when I opened the packet was a paper that said "your assignment" and I was almost too nervous to look at it. But after about oh 2 seconds I ripped the kit open and looked at everything inside! Here's what it said...

 It's safe to say I'm pretty happy I got the letter before my trip down to KC so I could talk/ask questions to a family friend who just returned from service in the Peace Corps. Now that I know where and when I'm going I feel like I have a ton of things to get done. All those little things add up-for example: buying waterproof sandals, a rain jacket for the rainy season, clothes appropriate for the culture of Mozambique, and most importantly learning Portuguese!

I've started with just learning the alphabet...I thought I would start at the basics and work my way up. Here's a youtube video of the alphabet that I thought I'd post in case anyone else might want to learn it :) More information to come later!

até mais...til next time

The Portuguese Alphabet