Tuesday, November 26, 2013

20 days!

Today as I was teaching one of my classes one student, Quizito, told me, “Teacher you know we only have 3 weeks left of classes.” I paused for a minute and was thinking about this and realized it was true. I was both really excited and stressed because that meant in just 20 days I’d be leaving for America but I somehow need to finish my classes before that!

The schedule started off weird and I missed out on two classes with one of my turmas so I’m a little behind. We are taking the first test next week and then somehow with only 3 class periods left we need to learn more information and take the 2nd test. I’m a bit nervous and of course trying to pack as much into each lesson as possible. Wish me luck these next few weeks! Hopefully my students don’t get too frustrated with me as I make them do a lot in such a little amount of time.

At the beginning of every 6-week session I tell myself that I’m going to finish early and not be stressing out at the end. Somehow I have failed at that every semester. I really need to make that a goal of mine in the New Year! However being stressed out and trying to finish my modules means that I’m coming home very soon! I cannot tell you how excited I am to be coming home for Christmas! I know I was just home at the end of August but it feels like it’s been forever. I’m really looking forward to the cold winter weather and hopefully some snow! I’m going to be really happy to get away from this summer heat in Nacucha.

On a positive note the library is progressing slowly but surely. We’re getting the wood for the bookshelves this week and then we’ll be organizing the books an decorating the library! I’m also working on making some resources for the kids to use with the cardboard and materials we have here. I’m hoping to have it mostly done by the time I come home and the training planned! When I get back from my trip to America it will be time to recruit the tutors and give them a training before we can start when the school starts back up in February. As soon as the library looks pretty I’ll upload some pictures!

20 days until I’m on my way home!! See you all soon! 

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