Sunday, September 9, 2012

Big changes to come

With only 2 weeks left in the United States life has been crazy: visiting friends, working, getting stuff together, packing, etc. Just today I put my car up for sale online and I thought it would take a week or two before someone would want to buy it. (Let's just say I didn't have the best was a 2 door with only 1 handle.) I'm still working this week and running errands so I was really not thinking it would sell. After only ONE hour on craigslist someone paid cash for my car and I am officially without a car.

It feels odd to be without the car I've had since I was 16. Not because I'll have to share my mom's car with her this week and revert back to my grade school days of getting rides from my mom...but instead because this shows me how close I am to getting ready to start this new journey to Africa!

I'm getting so excited but at the same time am a nervous wreck thinking about packing and leaving my amazing family & friends. At least now with 14 days before I leave I can say that I have 99% of the stuff on my packing list! That itself is amazing because I'm not one to get things ready early or even packed early. I always wait until the last possible minute to pack for trips. I'm really hoping I can motivate myself this week to pack both my bags and see if they are overweight. I'm pretty sure with everything I have in my room now my bags are bound to be overweight...I wonder with all the toiletries, teaching stuff, household items and kitchen stuff if I'll even have room for my clothes?? I guess we will just have to wait and see, Wish me luck!

These next 2 weeks are going to fly by with visiting family & friends, eating froyo, and enjoying nice warm showers and bathrooms that are not outdoors. Got to go study my portuguese! (I need to really buckle down considering I can say hi and good morning but still have NO clue how to say "My name is..." I better get started with those next few lessons!) :)


  1. It is getting really close to you leaving! I am so proud of how for you have come to get ready. These next 2 weeks will be hard, but you can totally do it! Remember, I am just a phone call away.

  2. Let me know if you need anything Maggie....errands run, help with packing, a ride somewhere, anything. I am so very excited for you, and so proud of you. Aunt Du xxxxoooo
