Thursday, September 27, 2012

Made it Safely!

 I am officially in Mozambique! And have an official Peace Corps Passport and Mozambique visa! Woohoo We’re staying at the Hotel Cardoso in Maputo, the capital, until Saturday. The flight was 15 hours and thankfully they did feed us lunch, dinner and then breakfast this morning. We had a fantastic view of a thunderstorm during our flight and got to watch some newer movies for free too.

When we arrived at the hotel today we met some of the Peace Corps Mozambique staff and then ate a huge buffet lunch. We did do some paperwork as well as get our first round of shots. I’m pretty sure we’re getting more tomorrow and during our PST (Pre-service training). All the other 55 volunteers I’ve met so far are incredibly nice. Also, 12 other transfers from Cape Verde are meeting up with us later tonight and will be joining our training class. I think we’re going to be a great group. 

On Saturday afternoon we leave Maputo to travel to Namaahca, which is about an hour and a half away. Once we get there we will meet our host families, take a tour of the city and our training villages. I just found out today who my host family is and I’m super excited to meet them! In my family there is a mom, 2 older girls, a 10yr old grandson, 4yr old boy, and 1yr old grandson. The family speaks both Portuguese and the local language, Changana.

I’m nervous to be fully immersed into the language but I think that’s the best way we will learn. After I move in on Saturday I won’t have Internet access for about 3-4 weeks. During training we will get cell phones and if you don’t get one with internet you won’t be able to go online while during training. Most likely I will get one with internet just so I can get emails and keep in contact with friends and family in the U.S. I’m anxious to get started with training and learn Portuguese! The view from our hotel is amazing but I can’t post pictures yet because I can’t find my camera cord. Hopefully I’ll find it once I officially unpack everything this weekend but we’ll see.

P.S. Reading cards from my friends and family tonight and it made my day! Thank you guys!! J


  1. Hi maggie! I just looked up the hotel and It looks super nice. Like the ones in mexico! I left you a loving message just now! Hope you are having a great time and I can't wait to hear all about your host family! a 4 year old and a 1 year old? How cute!! I love you tons

  2. Glad you made it safely. :) Sounds like you have quite the adventure ahead of you.
